As part of a project I wanted to go ahead and setup port channels on my Cisco 2924s. Apparently on 2924XLs its a bit different.
Agg1(config)#int Fast
Agg1(config)#int FastEthernet 0/23
Agg1(config-if)#port group 1 ?
distribution How transmitted frames are distributed among ports
Agg1(config-if)#port group 1 distr ?
destination Transmitted frames are distributed by destination address
source Transmitted frames are distributed by source address
Agg1(config-if)#port group 1 dist dest?
Agg1(config-if)#port group 1 distr dest
Agg1(config-if)#int FastEthernet 0/16
Agg1(config-if)#port group 1 distr dest
Agg1(config-if)#int FastEthernet 0/22
Agg1(config-if)#port group 2 dist dest
Agg1(config-if)#int FastEthernet 0/15
Agg1(config-if)#port group 2 dist dest
now, look at what we have:
Agg1#sh port group
Group Interface Transmit Distribution
----- --------------------- ---------------------
1 FastEthernet0/16 destination address
1 FastEthernet0/23 destination address
2 FastEthernet0/15 destination address
2 FastEthernet0/22 destination address
I then logged into both A1 and B1 and did the same thing on FastEthernet 0/23-24.
Now, if we look at show cdp neighbors, it shows our switches connected twice.
Agg1#sh cdp neigh
Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater
Device ID Local Intrfce Holdtme Capability Platform Port ID
A1 Fas 0/16 166 T S WS-C2924-XFas 0/23
A1 Fas 0/23 166 T S WS-C2924-XFas 0/24
B1 Fas 0/15 173 T S WS-C2924-XFas 0/23
B1 Fas 0/22 173 T S WS-C2924-XFas 0/24
Unfortunately these switches being a little old, none of the show lacp stuff is there. I will need to go pull some cables to make sure this is working.